
Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's makeover season

I just received InStyle’s fall Makeover edition, and Jennifer Hudson is the cover girl. And let me just say that girlfriend deserves it. She looks super fab. And talk about a makeover. She went from a size 16 to a size 6. Though it is taking me some getting used to her being so little (she was so pretty before losing the weight!), I am sure it is better for her health and her happiness in the long run. 

Jennifer dishes about how she lost the weight through normal healthy eating (weight watchers). Her motivation to drop some pounds came on when she realized she was wearing the same clothes when she was pregnant as before she became pregnant and knew it was time to make a change. Her upcoming wedding probably didn’t hurt either. There is nothing like the fear of being immortalized in millions of pictures to get you in the best shape of your life. She realized that dropping the baby weight would be a chance to start over with a new body.

It’s so funny the things that make you stop and think and have a realization that something has got to be different. Maybe you see a photo, and realize that the dryer wasn’t shrinking you jeans after all.Or maybe summer's ending and you're just looking to shake up your life a bit. 

I know I am always looking for ways to transform myself whether it's a different hair color (I've done red, pink, many shades of blond, and au natural), fun outfit that is a totally different style than you normally wear, or a daring nail polish shade. A little tweak, or a big change, like Jennifer's can totally change the way you feel about yourself, and the way you present yourself to the world.

Recently I decided that I'm a grown lady, so I should learn how to wear lipstick instead of lip gloss. I've been trying out various shades in the privacy of my own home, but it just looks so weird to me because I'm not used to it that I have yet to make it out of the house. Baby steps. What life transformation have you been working on lately?


  1. I have this issue and I am impressed with Jennifer's transformation!:D

    I've been working on my fitness and decided that I should bake more often.:D

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  2. Thanks for following Marie!! I always love hearing from new readers :)
