
Saturday, November 13, 2010


Nearly every time I pick up a magazine, there's a section on how to dress to flatter your body shape. Read: how to make your unflattering features less unflattering. The categories typically include boyish, apple, pear, and plus sized figures. It never ceases to baffle me when busty makes the list, as if it were something bad that you would want to cover up. I mean there are entire industries devoted to making women's chests appear, or actually become bigger. Have you SEEN the holiday Victoria's Secret ad campaign?? It's main selling point is that it can make your rack appear 2 cup sizes larger. Hello bombshell.

Yet all of the clothing for the busty ladies is contrived to minimize the chest. The example I'm thinking of showed a short coat to accentuate the long leg, drawing attention away from the model's upper region. My question is, why? When did large breasts become something women should want to cover up, and not accentuate as an asset?

And in another section of the same magazine, there was a little blurb about how the higher your ta-ta's sit, the smaller it makes your waist look, encouraging women to accentuate their curves. That's contradictory messages, no? I'll take the opportunity to show off my curves, over covering up any day. Thankyouverymuch.

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