
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lease a Piece of Nature

January birthdays are tough. You’re a little strapped for cash, and gift ideas after Christmas, and well, you just might not be in the giving spirit. Ok scrooge. That doesn’t stop people from being born. What to do? Get creative. I recently came across this lovely site called Rent Mother Nature.

Basically the deal is that you pick something natural that you like (think fruits, veggies, lobster), spend around 50 bucks and get an awesome present (for yourself or someone else). After you pick your pleasure, the network of farmers sends out a lease document to the gift recipient stating their limited time ownership of a share of the farm’s harvest products. The “lessee” gets a series of progress reports on how their crop is doing—usually 2-3, sometimes accompanied by photos.

Then, when the product you selected has matured, it’s delivered to your lucky Aquarius. You’ve solved your gifting dilemma, because really, who doesn’t like food? And you’ve helped to make the world a better place. Rent Mother Nature supports small independent (often family run) farms who are committed to natural, organic agriculture.  Now don’t you feel better? Check out the awesome pieces of mother nature available for lease, and the product it turns into below.

  • Maple tree: 50 oz. maple syrup
  • Cow: three, 8oz wheels of Brie or Cheddar
  • Goat: three 5oz logs of fresh Chevre (one each of plain, herb, and peppercorn)
  • Lobster: 7.5 lbs of fresh, live lobsters
  • Sheep: a 100% natural wool blanket
  • Coffee Tree: 4 trees=2 pounds of coffee, 2 trees=2 pounds of coffee
  • Honey Hives: 30oz of flavored honey (flavor based on the region you select)
  • Pistachio Tree: 3 lbs of nuts
  • Honeybell tree: 18lbs of juicy honeybell grapefruits
  • Pecan Tree: 3 pounds in-shell nuts
  • Wild Rice Bed: 3 lbs wild rice
  • Peach Tree: 13 peaches
  • Date Palm Tree: 4lbs of dates
  • Berry Patch: Three 10 oz jars one each of blueberry jam, cranberry marmalade, and beach plum jelly
  • Cocoa Tree: 5 pounds of 100% organic cocoa
  • Apple Tree: 8 pounds of McIntosh apples
  • Oyster: 4 dozen oysters from Washington’s Pacific coast
  • Wheat field: 5lbs of stone ground flour or bread mix
  • Grapefruit tree: 14lbs of ruby red grapefruit
  • Tangerine Tree: 14 lbs of honey tangerines
My stomach's growling just thinking about it. How about yours?

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