
Saturday, March 19, 2011


I love astrology. Not only do I think I am the consummate Aries (headstrong? impulsive? ambitious? that's me!), but it's just plain fun in the morning when I'm getting my day started to have a little preview of how things might go. Or, at the end of an awful day, it's nice to check out my horoscope, and feel a little better for the fact that the constellations predicted it. Sometimes the galaxies are dead on. Do I always take forecasts from the cosmos to run my life? With a grain of salt.

Well, for the past few weeks, all horoscope signs have been pointing to a major planetary shift turning the typically assertive Aries into a powerhouse who can make anything happen. Yes, the stars are asking me to go out there, grab my dreams, and make them a reality. Over and over again. And you know what? I think I'll listen. I'll take this opportunity to say yes, I'm going to make things happen the way I want to. Thanks for the hints universe!

Think about it. After the year is through, what will you look back and wish you had said yes to?

I wish I had said Yes!
When you asked me out to walk
among the leaves
the turning leaves
You were offering me
the sound of dreams,
And I turned you down

Not today, I smiled
Maybe, tomorrow?

But I wish I had said Yes!
I wish we had shared this light.

Next time don't ask
Just take me!
Order me to dress!

I am going to need your help
To begin the Year of Yes.

by Shaista Tayabali (Via Yes and

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