
Friday, April 1, 2011

Coffee Connection

If you’re anything like me, when a dude asks you out on a date to grab a coffee you think:

  1. Yawn. Are we serious? Coffee is the best this guy could come up with?
  2. It’d better be Irish coffee we’re talking about.
  3. He just wants to be friends or is a major hipster who hangs out in coffee shops.
  4. All of the above.

Well, the April issue of Marie Claire magazine is throwing my typical date theory for a loop. They agree it may be a tad unoriginal, but  insist that the coffee date has its romantic perks (especially with this unseasonably cold weather we’ve been having!). For starters, if you have no chemistry, you can suck down your latte and get out of there fast (my advice, not Marie Claire’s).

Second (and this is really from the mag), data form Yale University implies that when two individuals drink hot java together, the drinkers perceive the other person as more trustworthy because the insula part of the brain is activated by the heat of the beverage. This center processes both physical and emotional warmth, and may generate some warm feelings towards your coffee partner. I wonder if the same thing works with hot toddies?

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