
Monday, May 16, 2011

Check out the New Look

As some of my regular visitors may have noticed, there have been some layout changes going on over here in my little piece of the Internet in the past couple weeks. Now that the updates are officially complete, I would like to call your attention to the new and improved background and logo and give a BIG THANKS to the awesome Amanda Lee who used her free time (for free!) on a total stranger to make it happen.

I met Amanda Lee through the Yes and Yes Network of Nice where she offered to help people create a custom blog layout. I had been tired of my layout for a while, but lack the more advanced photoshopping and html skills to make my improvements happen. So, naturally, I emailed Amanda Lee before I even finished reading the post in its entirety.
 And, as I have come to expect from a fellow Yes and Yes reader, she was kind, smart, and a delight to work with. She smoothed out my background image to get rid of the seams with some Photoshop layering magic, and advised me on the overall shape and visual theme of my blog to come up with the snazzy new header incorporating the URL and title. I must say that I LOVE love love the end result. What do you all think of the new look?

Pop on over and check out Amanda Lee’s home on the web to learn more about her! Just a hint—she loves style, organization, creativity, happiness, and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. The things that make the world go round-if you like them, you’ll probably love her. Thanks again Amanda Lee!!

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