Monday, April 27, 2009

I love NYC in the spring time

So, maybe it feels more like summer out because of the suddenly 90 degree temps we've been enjoying, but I cannot say enough how much I love springtime in NYC.  Every year, I fall for it over again.  There is outdoor seating, frozen drinks that melt away so deliciously and refreshingly.  There are the parks that are suddenly so full of people enjoying life, and the beaches only a borough away.  There are the flowering trees and the beautifully colorful planters everywhere.  

Everyone with a cute dog is out and walking it.  The breeze is warm.  We can finally show off our toes and wear those pretty flowing dresses that have been stashed in the back of the closet all winter.  We don't have to wear coats anymore, only light cardigans.  Bright colors are necessary.  Sunshine is plentiful, and we deserve it after surviving yet another brutal winter of slogging through ice and snow just to get to the subway, nearly dry off, get out and get cold and wet again.  My skin is soft, tan, and freckled.  I feel a little blonder.  The smell of spring is in the air from slightly muddy grass to blooming hyacinths, to that sweet fresh scent that carries on the breeze to keep the hot garbage stench of the coming summer from lingering.

I cannot help but be in a wonderful mood.  It's infectious.  Everyone feels like they are suddenly on vacation, even though we're working hard to get by, free time feels longer and all the more precious.  There is a sense that things cannot get any better than they are right now.  Love is in the air.  Recession smession.  We won't let it keep us down.  NYC will not let it stop us from enjoying the most lovely season of all with a passion.

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